It isn’t easy to know if your skin is plugging or if you’re breaking out. When it comes to skin concerns, the two can be said to be similar. Both skin purging and breakouts can be annoying. The first step to handling any of these issues is identifying the difference. How can you tell when you’re experiencing an acne breakout? Are there specific activities or food that trigger the breakout? You often think acne is bad but not as bad as when you try a new product and experience skin purging.

In today’s article, we will explain the difference between skin purging and breaking out.
Skin Purging: Myths and Realities
The aim of getting a new product is for our skin to gain all its benefits. When you use a new product, it brings grime, dirt, oil and dead skin cells to the surface of the skin. The essence of getting these things to the surface of the skin is to allow us to better skin health. The new product purges the skin, and this leads to breakouts. A skin urge happens when there is a skin cell turnover.
Purging of the skin is something most people believe to be a myth. Purging is the skin’s way of detoxifying and getting rid of impurities. But how is it possible that products detoxify the skin when it’s mostly the liver and kidney that self-detoxify? This is the scientific argument around skin purging. The introduction of new products (especially ones with chemical ingredients) speeds up the healthy cell and makes it rush to the surface of the skin. There is an excess production of sebum due to this rushed process, and it clogs the pores. The clogging of the pores causes the skin to have acne in clusters. It is the body’s response to an active ingredient in a skincare product.
What does skin purging look like?
Skin purging can either come as small clusters or specific types of breakouts. Skin purging is either in whiteheads or blackheads. When touched, skin purging looks like red bumps on the skin.
Skin purging mostly happens when you use a product that contains retinoids. You can also notice skin purging when you use exfoliating acids. When you notice your skin is purging, it is advisable to use a gentle cleanser. It will reduce inflammation. This does not mean you should stop using the responsible product for skin purging. Add a moisturiser to your routine, and don’t forget to use sunscreen.
Purging skin looks dry and sometimes peels on the surface. Other times the skin looks red and irritated. Skin purging lasts between four to six weeks after your new skincare regime. The best way to ease skin purging is by gradually introducing the latest skincare product into your skin. Cleanse your skin every morning to get rid of the debris and remove residual mak-up.
Understanding Breakouts: Causes and Solutions
One issue most skincare lovers have is that their skin breaks out easily. This also depends on your skin type. Having a breakout is not much of an issue or skin concern. Breakouts can be itchy and uncomfortable. It is possible to find an acne breakout in the place where out face has more oil gland. When the pores get clogged, it pushes it’s content to the surface of the skin. There are different factors responsible if you are breaking out. Breakouts are caused by stress. Stress increases sebum production and shows on the skin as break outs. When you use an oil-based makeup product, it clogs the pores and this can lead to a breakout. Other times our diet is responsible for breakouts.
The regular consumption of white bread, pastries, potatoes (fries) and sugary beverages can be responsible for breakouts. Dehydration is also another factor responsible for breakouts. When the skin is dehydrated, it produces its own oil. This alters the natural sebum production process of the body and can lead to acne breakouts. It does not come in whiteheads and blackheads like skin purging. With breakout, it is similar to pimples but in a cluster. Touching your face can also lead to a spread of a breakout.
What then is the difference? Skin Purging vs Breakouts
Skin purging does not leave red or dark spots on the skin. It’s the skin’s way of taking out dead skin cells to allow new ones. Breakouts leave dark spots and blemishes on the skin. While skin purging is healthy and leaves a better appearance when the skin adapts to it’s new products, it is not the same for breakouts.
Skin purging only happens when you introduce a new product to your skin regime. The skin does not naturally purge, it takes a product for this to happen. Breakouts happen in a concentrated part of the face. It can be on the forehead, chin or jaw.
Skin purging does not mean you are allergic to a product. Most times skin purging happens after you exfoliate the skin. When you notice breakouts over a period of months after using a product, it means you have to pay attention to your diet or lifestyle and not the product.
Breaking out on the skin can be a result of not exfoliating the skin. It also can be a hormone thing! When you notice a cluster of acne and you’re doing the right skin care routine, not to worry, it just might be a hormonal fluctuation.
The best way to stop your skin from purging is by slowly introducing your new product. Give your skin time to heal and adjust to the benefits of this new product. It is best to add new products one at a time. This helps you to identify what works for your skin.
Active ingredients like retinal, AHAs, BHA’s and Vitamin C can cause skin purging.
The best solution for both skin purging and breakouts is not to pick your face. Hydrate your skim with a moisturiser. Be consistent with your products especially during skin purging.
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