What other time to get your skin glowing under the sun? Summer is the perfect time to let your skin heal while having the time of your life with your friends. On the list of fun things to do this summer, your skincare should be at the top of the list. There are a list of natural DIY products you can use this summer to achieve all your skincare goals. The most important part of this article is to remember how important your sunscreen is. So while you try these DIY face masks indoors, remember to use a sunscreen when you head outside.

Gentle Summer Acne Solutions: DIY Face Masks for Clear Skin

Gentle Summer Acne Solutions: DIY Face Masks for Clear Skin

Acne is formed when the skin is clogged. Oil, dead cells, and bacteria clog the skin, and this causes blackheads, Whitehead, cysts, and other forms of acne terrible for the skin. Having acne during the summer can be annoying; we have all been there. Acne works faster when the treatment is gentle. Face masks work better than scrubs for acne treatment. Here are some homemade DIY face mask solutions that can give you clear skin and quick results.

Clay Mask Magic: Homemade Acne Treatment for Quick Results

Clay Mask Magic: Homemade Acne Treatment for Quick Results

CLAY MASK: Clay is soothing to the skin and helps to get rid of the source of acne. To make the perfect clay mask for your acne, mix the soothing clay with a tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar. The idea of using a little vinegar is to ensure the show stays thick. Apply in a circular motion around your face or the affected areas. Let the cover sit in for 15-20 minutes. Wash with warm water and repeat three times a week depending on how your skin takes it. After the first wash you wille notice a difference in your skin. Proceed to use a hydrating moisturizer.

Raw Vinegar Power: DIY Face Mask for Acne Prone Skin

Raw Vinegar Power: DIY Face Mask for Acne Prone Skin

RAW VINEGAR MASK: If you have a sensitive skin, please move to the next face mask as vinegar can be harsh to some skin types. Vinegar is an age-old acne treatment that a lot of people have used. To make a vinegar mask, you need the goodness of honey or baking soda. Get a mixing bowl, add a table spoon of vinegar, baking soda or honey and make a paste. Apply slowly to your face in a circular motion. Let the mask dry. You can apply it in layers depending on how much mask you want on your face. Let the mask sit in for a few minutes. Wash off with warm water and moisturize.

Remember, if you have sensitive or dry skin, you should use the vinegar and honey alone without the baking soda. Repeat the process until you achieve your desired effect.

Oatmeal & Honey Bliss: Natural Acne Treatment Mask Recipe

Oatmeal & Honey Bliss: Natural Acne Treatment Mask Recipe

OATMEAL & HONEY: The oatmeal and honey mask is the only grail of DIY masks. Before the application of this mask, wash your face with warm water as the mask works better on a damp face. Purchase our oatmeal from the DIY section. Pour three tablespoons of oatmeal to the mixing bowl and add set aside. Put two table spoons of honey into warm water and stir until it makes a paste. Mix the two products together to make a paste with an easy consistency. Apply gently on the face and extend to the neck. Let the face mask sit in for about 15-20 minutes. While you wait, you can soak yourself in an oatmeal bath. Wash off your face with warm water and repeat at least 3 times a week.

The good thing about the oatmeal and honey mask is that it gives you a glowing skin while getting rid of the acne. Achieving two skin care goals with one mixed bowl of DIY products sounds exciting to us too!

Summer Glow: DIY Face Masks for Healthy and Natural Skin

Summertime selfies look better under the sun but it’s a plus when your skin has a healthy and natural glow! Here are some DIY tips to get your skin looking better during this summer.

AVOCADO FACE MASK: Body butters are amazing but have you tried to use the natural source of these products on your skin? Avocado has the right amount of proteins and vitamins that give your face that perfect glow. Peel off the back of the avocado and mash into a bowl. In another bowl, break an egg and separate the white from the yolk. You will need the egg white, put in the bowl of mashed avocado. Mix to make a thick paste and apply on your face. Let it sit in for 30 minutes and wash off with warm water.

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TOMATO AND CUCUMBER FACE MASK: We all know the health benefits of tomato and cucumber to the body right? It’s time to let it work it’s magic on your face! Wash your cucumber and peel the back. You will need 1/4 of both cucumber and tomato. Blend your ripe tomato to a fine pulp. Mix in a bowl and apply the mixture in a circular motion gently into your skin. Let it sit into your skin for about 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water. You can repeat this routine as many times as you want and it works for all skin types.

BANANA FACE MASK: For the summer you must have tried banana juice or going on a banana diet; it’s time to make a banana face mask for your glowing skin. Banana hydrates the skin. For this mask, you will need fresh bananas, thick yoghurt and fresh lemon juice.

Mash the banana with a spoon into a bowl. Mix 1 tablespoon of yogurt and 1/2 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice into the bowl until it makes a thick paste. Let this mix sit in the bowl for about 30 minutes. In a circular motion, massage into your skin for 2-3 minutes and rinse off with lukewarm water.

Face masks make you feel like you’re having the perfect spa-day. You can make it a routine with family or friends as a fun activity this summer. Always remember to hydrate and moisturize your skin after each routine. Use sunscreen at all times to keep your skin in check.

Let us know what face mask works best for you. What DIY products are you using to keep your skin in check this summer?


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