
A sunscreen is everything the name is, a screen (or protection) from the sun. There are other names for sunscreen; most people call it suncream, sunblock, or a suntan. Sunscreen is a summer essential for every human, except babies. Sunscreen is for the topical part of the body.  The best time to use sunscreen is when you are outside, no matter the weather. Sunscreens are essential when you’re indoors too, and this is because even the reflection of the sun can cause sunburn and other damages to the skin. The skin constantly needs protection from the UV rays. Sunscreen is essential but works on different parts of the body other than just the face. This article will explain what sunscreen is, why it’s necessary and six places to apply it.


Sunscreen protects the skin from the harmful effect of UV (ultraviolet) rays and also keeps the skin healthy. Most sunscreens come in a pack of their own, while others are a part of moisturisers. If you have recently bought a moisturiser and it claims to contain a certain SPF amount, it serves as sunscreen. An SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor, and it refers to how well the product you have can protect you from the sun. The higher the SPF is on a product, the higher the protection from the sun. The best SPF for your skin should start from 30.

Natural sunscreens contain more ingredients from the natural form, and they have no form of chemicals. The ingredients are free of chemical filters and work for every skin type. The ingredients for natural sunscreens are gotten from plants. They coat the skin properly; the main ingredient in natural sunscreen are minerals.


Sunscreen keeps your skin in check at all times. It reduces the risk of sunburn and protects your skin throughout the day. It is easy to get sunburned; this is caused when we get exposed to the sun for too long. Sunburns can lead to skin damage, wrinkling, fine lines and cancer when not treated properly. Sunscreen reduces ageing and discolouration. Sun can cause liver or sunspots on the face, head, hand and arms. It also affects both genders. Photoaging happens mostly in our early 20s and 30s, and sunscreen is most important at this age. The sun can cause redness and inflammation on the skin, most times this is painful. Wearing sunscreen helps avoid all of this.

Most people focus on their faces while wearing sunscreen. Remember, it is best to remove sunscreen from your nighttime routine. Use the sunscreen in the morning and reapply when necessary. Here are six other places you should apply your sunscreen every morning.

1. Shield Your Eyes: Proper Sun Protection for Delicate Eyelids

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When we go out in the sun without dark sunshades or umbrellas on, the sun hits directly on our face and eyelids. The eyelids have fragile skin and cause wrinkles and sun/liver spots. Avoid applying sun-screen in your eyes, and even if it gets into your eyes while application, rinse properly with water. Be careful with the sun-screen you use around your eyelids as it’s a Sensitive spot. Use sunglasses after applying sun-screen as it gives extra production from UV rays. The eyelid is a part of the body susceptible to cancer; pay more attention to it.

2. Ear Protection: Applying Sunblock to Prevent Skin Cancer and Sunburns

woman with hat applying sunscreen

The ear is one part of the body we avoid during the application of sunblock on the body. This is because the ear has a lot of folds. The folds distract us from the fact that the sun gets directly to the ear, so it deserves protection from UV rays. According to a few online clinics, the ear is one of the most common locations for skin cancer. Apply your natural sunblock all over your ear and even the crease behind it. You can also choose a hat over face caps as it protects the face and the ears too. It is also easy for sunburns to appear on top of the ear.

3. Lip Care: Protecting Your Lips from Sun Damage and Skin Cancer

Lip Care: Protecting Your Lips from Sun Damage and Skin Cancer

Lip balms are never enough, and climate change can be blamed partly for it. However, you can protect your lips by applying natural sunblock on them. Most sunscreens are made specifically for the lips. You can always use any available body butter from our online store as it also serves as a mild sunblock. Use a lip balm with SPF to avoid skin cancer on the lips. Cancer on the lip can quickly spread all over the body, so it’s best to prevent it. Always remember to reapply the lip balm every two hours.

4. Neck Sun Protection: Safeguard Your Skin from Harmful Rays

Neck Sun Protection:

It is easy to forget the neck when applying sunblock on the face. All parts of the neck deserve the sunblock applied to it. You can avoid getting injections or using firming creams on your neck if you stay consistent with the sunblock. Applying sunblock on the neck also helps you prevent wrinkles and skin cancer. Also, apply sunblock at the back of your neck and chest before leaving your house. Cancer caused by sun damage on the neck is called melanoma skin cancer.

5. THE SCALP : Shield Your Skin and Hair Naturally

THE SCALP : Shield Your Skin and Hair Naturally

Our hair does not protect the scalp as much as we think it does. Most hairstyles we make leave our scalp exposed to the sun. Reapply sunblock on your hair, and don’t forget your hairline as it can lead to thinning. A hat is an alternative for sunblock, especially when you’re having a lazy hair day.

If you want to make your sunblock, here is a free guideline. Your significant ingredients are coconut oil, powdered zinc oxide, pure aloe vera, walnut extract and shea butter to help in maintaining its consistency. Because aloe vera is essential for skin burns, it is the perfect ingredient for your homemade shea butter. The walnut gives an added effect to the SPF ingredients. Essential oils are also good for the skin as they help protect it from sun damage.

Read Also: Skincare for dark-skinned people

There are many recipes for making sunblock but first, if you have sun-screen already, follow our tips for better application.

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