Healing Skin Inflammation Naturally: 8 Effective Tips

healing skin inflammation

The skin is the most sensitive organ of the body that serves as a cover for other parts of the body. When there is damage in the outer or inner layer of the body, it turns red and appears as an skin inflammation. On the outer surface of the body, inflammation appears to be red, swollen and sometimes red in color. There are different types of inflammation and their causes. Some are a result of infection, allergic reaction, gut condition, and primarily due to the improper use of some skincare products. The following are natural tips to heal skin inflammation.

8 Natural Remedies for Soothing Skin Inflammation

1. Shea Butter: Your Skin’s Healing Balm for Inflammation

Shea butter has healing properties and is perfect for the treatment of inflammation in the skin. Did you know shea butter has cinnamic acid found in some products made of cinnamon? Cinnamic acid is responsible for the shea butter’s healing property. Shea butter reduces the itching and irritation that comes with inflammation. It also reduces scarring and makes the healing of wounds faster. It also hydrates the skin while performing its healing activities. The hydration keeps the skin smooth and glowing after recovering from the inflammation. Shea butter is an essential ingredient for healing inflammation.

2 Relieve Itchy Inflammation with an Oatmeal Bath

An oatmeal bath is very relieving especially if you’re experiencing an itchy inflammation. People always confuse the oatmeal used for the skin as the one for the body, it is safe to note that they are different. The best oatmeal for your skin is the colloidal oatmeal powder. It moisturizes the skin and also builds up skin barriers. By building up the skin barrier, your skin is protected from the discomfort of inflammation. When making an oatmeal bath, ensure to use lukewarm water. Using either hot or cold water might irritate your skin and cause more damage. Run a warm bath, sprinkle a handful of oatmeal and soak yourself in the bath for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and apply shea butter or any other body butter to lock in moisture. An oatmeal bath works natural magic on healing inflammation on the skin.

3. Soothe Inflammation with a Cold Compress: Quick Relief

You can avoid using cold water on your skin but the cold compress ensures you get rid of the discomfort of inflammation. A cold compress shuts down the itching that comes with inflammation. It has a numbing effect and it’s the proper first aid remedy to soothe your skin. To make a cold compress, either you use ice packs or a cool wet cloth to reduce the itching. If you have sensitive skin or a breakout from using the wrong products, try the cold compress and let your skin breathe after the application.

4. Harness the Power of Green Tea for Inflammation: Health Benefits

Green tea is one of the teas popular for its anti-inflammatory properties. Green tea has been known for years to improve the general health of human beings. The tea is high in polyphenols which reduces all inflammation and the signs associated with it. By either drinking or applying green tea to the most, the itchiness and redness reduces. To reduce inflammation, you should drink about three to five cups of green tea in a day. Green tea also has anti-aging benefits and the ability to soothe the skin from the damages of sunburn.

5. Eat Your Way to Reduced Inflammation: Benefits of a Green Salad Diet

The best inflammatory food is a green salad. Add leafy greens to your meal as they have anti-inflammatory properties. You can add spinach, kale, lettuce or arugula to prevent free radicals and reduce inflammation and irritation from the body. It is best to avoid caffeinated drinks, and replace them with food or drinks that are high in fiber. Less refined carbs and other food that will trigger your blood sugar are best to be avoided to reduce inflammation.

6. Clear Skin Journey: Impact of Alcohol on Inflammation and Skin Health

There are lifestyles you need to change to heal inflammation on your skin. By cutting off alcohol briefly, you reduce irritation and breakouts from the skin. Alcohol is beneficial to the health if taken in very minimal portions. If you want to get rid of inflammation, it is best to stay away from alcohol and drink more water. The break from alcohol also extends to wine and cocktails. For the sake of your skin, take a break.

7. The Healing Power of Ginger: A Natural Anti-Inflammatory Solution

Ginger boosts the overall immunity of the body and contains high levels of anti-inflammatory agents. To manage inflammation from the inside, you need to take about 4g of ginger or great it into your meal. You can also boil the ginger in water for about five minutes and allow it to simmer. Ginger is also anti-bacterial and tackles other skin damages from the inside.

8. Give Your Skin a Breath of Fresh Air: Let Your Skin Heal Naturally

While you try to determine why you’re breaking out or having inflamed skin, allow your skin to breathe. Take a break from harmful products and cleansers with fragrances. Allow your skin barrier to heal as this might be the cause of the inflammation.

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