Face Acids: Do you Need Them in Your Skincare Routine?

There are endless acids from skincare brands. Most of these acids perform the same role as the other. Some are bad for you, while others are what your skin might need. If you have ever wondered about adding face acid to your natural skincare routine, keep reading. In this post, we will talk about face acids, their benefits and if you need them in your routine.

Face Acids: Do you Need Them in Your Skincare Routine?

Acids put the scariest images to our brains, and you’re not alone. These acids are beneficial to the skin when used correctly and in the correct order.

What are face acids?

When you hear people talk about active ingredients in the skincare routine, they refer to face acids. They lower the pH level of the skin. Acids work on the skin, but they can be too powerful when misused. Also, people can get addicted to these face acids. Face acids bring down the pH level of the skin. It also digests and dissolves the dead skin cells on the face. When this is done, it leaves your skin clear and smooth.

But how much face acid can your face take?

There is an endless number of face acids. It makes it difficult for users to mix and match these acids. If you don’t have a clear understanding of how face acids work, it is advisable to avoid them. You need to understand your skin type and how it reacts to any of these acids. To use these face acids, you will have to layer them properly.

If a dermatologist recommended face acids for you to fight acne, wrinkles and age spots, they are correct.

There are no general benefits of face acids. Each face acid has a role to play on your skin. Face acids make your skin happy. Here are some face acids and their benefits for your skin.

Benefits of Face Acids

1. Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) is a popular face acid. There are seven types of AHAs in the skincare industry. They help to promote the collagen of the skin. It brightens the complexion and prevents acne breakout. It has side effects like burning and itching. When misused, the Alpha Hydroxy Acids can cause eczema and other skin reactions.

2. Glycolic Acid is a chemical exfoliant. It dissolves the dead skin cells. In its natural form, this acid is colourless and odourless. Glycolic acid irritates the skin because it does not require scrubbing. It also causes damage to the top layer of the skin. It is helpful in the treatment of hyperpigmentation and aging.

3. Salicylic Acid is a face acid for topical treatment. It is a mild face acid but can cause damage to the skin. It deep cleanses the skin. Salicylic acid tightens the pores and reduces the production of excess oils. It has anti-inflammatory ingredients. Within the first few weeks of using salicylic acids, the skin will experience purging (worsened case of break out). Other side effects of this face acid are redness, dryness, itching and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

4. Lactic Acid is an AHA that removes dead skin cells and improves the look of the skin. It is an anti-ageing face acid. It increases the sensitivity of the skin to the sun. While it removes the dead skin cells, making your skin more sensitive. Some people experience swelling when they use lactic acid. It can make the skin burn and also cause dryness. Although Lactic Acid is the mildest of all AHA acids, there are side effects of this face acid.

If you have sensitive skin, it is advisable to stay away from lactic acid.

5. Hyaluronic Acid is a product that most skincare brands add to their face creams and moisturiser. It helps to maintain the moisture on our skin. It comes in a gel-like substance. Hyaluronic Acid holds a lot of weight in water. It wakes up the skin but also has its side effects.

Why should you stay away from these face acids with such benefits? It is because you are not sure of the percentage found in products. Also, how many percent of this face acid can your face take? Why use face acids when these natural products can give you even better results?

What face acid have you tried before? Could you share with us in the comment section?

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