How Our Emotions Affect Our Skin

Did you know that your emotions not only show on the face but also on the skin? In the same way, it’s easy to tell a person’s facial expression, and some skin concerns can be linked to our emotions. Most of our psychological problems trigger skin issues. Often, it takes an expert or a dermatologist to dictate these things. Other times, the appearance of an acne breakout is enough to determine our mood or emotions. The mind connection is more realistic than we give it credit for. In today’s article, we will explain how our emotions affect our skin.

How Our Emotions Affect Our Skin

Stress and the skin

It is no shock that stress is the root of all skin evil. Have you ever been consistent with your skincare routine and noticed an acne breakout? The problem is not your skincare routine. Instead, it is your lifestyle. Even the lowest level of stress can affect the skin. It triggers conditions like eczema, acne, psoriasis and even hair loss. Stress is one of the most relatable human emotions.

How does this happen? When we are stressed, the body releases stress hormones. Cortisol and adrenaline get released into the body due to chronic stress, and this affects the health of our skin. It can cause internal inflammation and have a negative effect on skin health. When cortisol is present in the skin, it leads to an overproduction of sebum in the skin glands. Naturally, cortisol is pumped out by the skin for a few seconds or minutes, but due to stress, it leads to clogged pores. Excess production of the stress hormones makes the collagen break down. Collagen is responsible for the youthful appearance and glow of the skin. While undergoing stress, the skin experiences moisture loss, slow skin cell turnover, dilated blood vessels and an increase in sebum production.

It is best to say when we are stressed, the skin becomes dry, and there is a noticeable appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Stress can also cause redness, irritation and breakouts.

Here are some tips for living a stress-free life that will enable and benefit your skin health.

• Exercise regularly, this will release the feel-good hormones in the body and boost your body and mind.

• On days when you feel tired and stressed, try to go ahead with your skincare routine. It will keep your skin health in check. When you neglect your skincare routine, you only worsen your skin problems.

• Try to make time for yourself, take a break from all the work and treat yourself to an activity that re-energizes you.

Effects of Emotions on Skin: Understanding the Impact of Anger

One of the best ways to avoid the damage of anger on the skin is by avoiding things that get you angry. As humans, we tend to get worked up over issues. It can either be at work or with our friends or family. Anger affects our facial muscles and leaves us with wrinkles and fine lines. It also reduces the cell turnover and healing process of the skin. Anger, just like stress, targets the cortisol hormones. By frowning out of anger, we stress and tighten our facial muscles. Did you know that anger can also trigger the cortisol hormone? It reduces the production of collagen in the body. It also slows down the body’s healing process, leaving us with open acne wounds. These wounds can cause bacterial infection to the skin. When next you get angry, think about your facial muscles and allow your skin to relax. You can also try breathing exercises to help boost your mood.

The Skin-Deep Impact of Depression: A Closer Look

Have you ever had moments when you don’t want to be around people or your energy level is very low? Depression has a negative effect on our physical health, it also affects skin health. When we experience depression, it affects our facial expression. The constant frowning of our brows and frowning of the face affects the facial muscles and also the appearance of the face. People who are depressed struggle with sleeping. Long term depression leaves you with puffy eyes, dark circles under the eyes and a pale complexion. Depression is responsible for slowing down how our body responds to inflammation. The body repairs itself when we sleep. What happens when we get less sleep? The skin becomes visibly dull and there are signs of uneven pigmentation.

Fear’s Impact on Skin: From Irritation to Redness

When the body is in constant ‘fight or flight’ mode, it affects the skin. Our body can easily get triggered by different situations. Fear makes the body look and feel very tired. It can cause skin flare-ups, redness, itching and other irritations. Fear also triggers adrenaline in the body. It causes bumps to form on the body. The effect of fear on the skin is mostly short-lived.

How to handle the effect of emotions on the skin ?

The bes way to reduce the effect of our emotions on the skin is by identifying our triggers. When you have control of your emotions, it becomes easier to handle them. There are several ways to handle your emotional stress. You can practice walking, meditation, and also practicing self care treatment. It is best to stay consistent with your skincare routine. You can also cut down your routine. Switch your night time routine to a two-step process that still adds benefits to your skin. Ensure to take off your makeup using shea butter and cotton wool. If you have oily skin, use a calm cleanser and always remember to moisturize immediately. For your morning routine, start with a cleanser, add a serum, a moisturizer and don’t forget to use sunscreen.

Allow your body to heal naturally. Let yourself feel your emotions and seek therapy if it becomes too overwhelming to handle. Exercise more and stay hydrated. To ensure your skin doesn’t go dry and flaky, try to stay consistent with your skin care.

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