As different as our faces are, the same applies to our skin types. Each skin type has a way of determining it. There are various skin types (oily, dry, normal, sensitive, and combination skin). Most people do not have to perform any test to determine their skin type. Here is a quick guide on the types of skin types and how to differentiate them;
Oily skin: It produces excess sebum, and the t-zone (forehead, nose, and chin) is always oily. People with oily skin are prone to acne due to their enlarged pores.
Normal skin: Having normal skin does not mean you shouldn’t have a skincare routine. Normal skin is neither oily or dry. The pores are tiny, and this reduces any chances of breakouts and other skin conditions.
Dry skin: The skin looks dehydrated and flaky; this causes itchiness and skin irritation. When skin is dry, it can be determined at first glance.
Sensitive skin: As the name implies, people with sensitive skin are cautious about their skincare routine. Sensitive skin can be oily, dry, or normal. The skin cannot be sensitive alone. The best way to know if you have sensitive skin is from your reaction to certain products.
Combination skin: It focuses mainly on the T Zone as those sides get oily while the cheek remains constantly dry.
To determine your skin type, you don’t have to break the bank or go to a hospital. The test for combination skin type is easy. If you have combination skin, you have oilier skin in the summer and dry skin in the winter. During the spring and fall, you have drier cheeks while the T-zone remains oily. During your menstruation period, you have breakouts that disappear immediately after your periods.
Have you ever heard of the sunblock test? It is another way to determine if you have combination skin. When you apply your sunscreen, notice where it shines. If your cheek absorbs the sunscreen and other parts of the skin stay greasy, yes, you have combination skin.
Also, if acne’s appearance breaks out mostly on your T-zone, you may have combination skin.
Now that we have a quick understanding of each skin type, the focus of this article is on Combination Skin, the causes, and the best skincare routine.
There is no particular cause of combination skin besides genetics. Environmental factors can also be the cause of combination skin. The body changes with the weather. Other times, most of us get older and experience hormonal changes, which can be a reason for combination skin.
The excessive production of sebum is responsible for combination skin. When the weather is hot or humid, it affects the skin, and excessive oil is produced. It is safe to say that people who live in a hot area have higher chances of having combination skin.
When you have combination skin, you have to follow the skincare routine adequately. It helps in the reduction of acne and breakouts on the skin. Here’s the perfect routine to get your skin back in check.
Every day our face comes in contact with impurities. The impurities build up and form debris on the skin. It would be best if you had an alcohol-free cleanser. If you have combination skin and use harsh products, it only makes the dry part of the skin drier. When the skin is more dehydrated, the body fights back by producing its oil. This makes the T-zone oiler. The cleanser helps in hydrating the skin and leaving it purified.
Using a cleanser is essential as it targets down to the root of the skin. Cleanser your skin twice daily, in the morning and evening. It’s best not to scrub or dry down harshly with a towel. Pat the skin dry or let it dry out on it’s own.
When the skin is cleaned appropriately, the next step is to exfoliate. It is best to know that the skin should be exfoliated twice in a week. Over exfoliation of the skin leads to excessive production of oil. You can make your DIY exfoliating scrub using our oat flour. While exfoliating the skin, ensure to be gentle about it as over scrubbing can cause damage to the skin. Exfoliating the skin helps you get rid of the dead cells.
If you over exfoliate your skin, it triggers the sebum production and there will be no changes on the skin.
A lot of skin care blogs will tell you not to use a toner, others will convince you that toners are not important. If you have a combination skin, the tiner is your best friend. It is anti-inflammatory and keeps the skin in balance. A toner helps to reduce the build up of oil in the skin. It also helps to balance the skin. Always use an alcohol free toner, dab on a cotton wool and focus on all parts of the face, especially the T-zone.
Your first thought will be, if I’m trying to keep my skin balanced, do I need a moisturizer? The answer is yes! Using a moisturizer stops the skin from producing excessive oil. Use shea butter as a moisturizer, it will keep your skin hydrated and give it the right glow.
Exposure to the sun causes dehydration for the skin. No matter your skin type, you need a tube of sunscreen. Always go for a sunscreen with natural ingredients as it is less flaky and keeps the skin in check. Choosing a lightweight with a high SPF works perfectly for your combination skin.
If you are big on using makeup products and worry about your skin, this article has you covered. For makeup on a combination skin, use lightweight products. From your foundation down to the powder should be more water based than oil based.
We all have different skin types, once you follow your routine properly and consistently, finding a balance for your skin will be easier. What skincare routines do you use on your skin? Has it had your skin in balance?